Art no: 0953

USB-Modbus Interface

Art no: 0953

The USB-Modbus interface let you connect the LogiCO2 CO2 safety system to a desktop computer and enables digital communication with the LogiCO2 CO2 Sensors. The Converter comes with a 3 meter screened cable with RJ45 In combination with the different LogiCO2 software, this USB- MODBUS interface connector has visual indicators (Leds) : 2 (Rx and Tx) and allows speeds up to 1 Mb.

The USB485-MB45 is a 2 wire RS485 adapter, with automatic receive / transmit switching, and RJ45 connection according to theModbus specifications. The USB485-MB45 have a 2.5kV isolation barrier that ensures a high quality electrically separation between the PC and remote device, thus offering excellent protection of the PC if the remote device should fail.

Easy to install – easy to use.
Just connect it to the sensor, install the drivers, and use it like.

What is in the package?
RS485 adapter and a 3-meter screened RJ45 cable

Manuals & instructions