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Art no: 0475

Enrichment Valve with filter

Art no: 0475

Enrichment Valve with filter, for Grow CO2 Enrichment Controller
The Enrichment Valve with filter is an accessory for Grow CO2 Enrichment Controller. The LogiCO2 Grow CO2 Enrichment Controller is a device that measures the concentration of CO2 in the ambient environment of the room being controlled and opens/closes the dispenser valve, to achieve a perfect CO2 environment in the grow room.

Enrichment Valve consists of a magnetic valve with filter, electronics box and cabling. The Enrichment Valve is designed for usage of CO2 with a pressure of 0,15 to 30 bar or 2,2 to 435 Psi.

Enrichment Valve has a 1 meter Cat5 cable from the electronics box, with a blue RJ45 connector that is plugged in to the blue cable side of the Grow CO2 Enrichment Controller.

Install the electronics box in a suitable place where it is mechanically protected. Remove the cover by turning it counterclockwise 1/8 turn to access the mounting screw holes.

What is in the package?
Enrichment magnetic valve with filter + electronic box + 1 m cable.

Manuals & instructions